

Everyone's health and wellbeing is linked to the natural world...



Wellbeing is a level or state of health, happiness and comfortability in life which affects or contributes to your overall being: mind, body, and soul...

It is important to understand your wellbeing also depends on external factors to, like the natural world: the quality of air you breathe, the water you drink, the natural space accessible to you and the quality of food you eat. The natural world and environment play a huge role in your wellbeing and this is why we should all be concerned with the health of natural world and what is happening to it.

In total there are nine key areas to overall wellness: Intellectual, emotional, relational, vocational, cultural, spiritual, financial, environmental, and physical, all of which in some way or another are connected to the natural world and has a direct or indirect impact on the natural world.


Intellectual: The continuation of working on and maintaining good mental health, education and development for personal growth and creativity throughout life.

Emotional: The relationship we have with our own thoughts, feelings and how this can affect how we interact with the external world in challenging circumstances or difficult times.

Relational:  The willingness to know yourself on a genuine level and others. The ability to reflect and the building of successful relationships through: support, trust, respect, kindness, and love.

Vocational: The satisfaction and personal growth through our career, vocation or job and the enrichment it brings to us through our life.

Cultural:  The energy and enjoyment that flows through communities and individuals through cultural or creative arts, recreational activities, and the ability to express freedom: heritage, arts, history, and traditions.

Spiritual:  The sense of our life and purpose including values, morals, beliefs, and ethics. This can also include your connection to culture, communities, religion, or spirituality.

Financial:  The feeling of security and the ability to control your finances both immediately and in the future. An example of this would be knowing that you can pay all your bills and be able to deal with the unexpected if needed. This would be classed as good financial wellbeing.

Environmental:  A safe, stable climate and surroundings of the natural world in which you can live a comfortable life. Clean air, food, water, medicine, and shelter are all provided by the natural world which your health and wellbeing are dependent upon. An example of this: people with access to green spaces or natural nature are less likely to suffer with stress and anxiety if they have a good connection those green spaces, because nature promotes relaxation and tranquillity which is good for your mental health.

Physical: The state of being well and healthy in your body, the ability to move well and carry out daily activities and the connection with mind and soul.


Mind, body, soul is your entire being and what makes you, you. When we think of our overall fitness or wellbeing, we should remember that means our entire being: mind, body, soul.

MIND: Is the ability to think, process, reason and respond with intellect. Allows us to be aware of the world and our experiences within it.

BODY: Is our physical being: bones, organs, blood vessels, veins, muscles, ligaments, tendons, fascia, bodily fluids, and skin. It's the home in which your soul lives…

SOUL: Is the essence of you. The spark of energy that makes your heartbeat, the part of you that is immortal. Your natural life energy that is not your body or mind…You are a soul; you have a body and mind…


Your connection with the natural world is important because its affects and enhances your wellbeing, health and circadian rhythm.

Did you know a good connection with the natural world can: improve physical health, improve your mood, reduces negative feelings, promotes relaxation, is a source of inspiration, boosts the immune system, improves sleep, gives you awareness of conservation and makes you more present. To develop a better connection with nature follow the five pathways and think and feel how each area may influence you and boost your wellbeing through: senses, emotion, compassion, meaning and beauty. Remember the term nature collectively means all flora, fauna and habitats.

You can improve your connection with nature by: going for more nature walks, gardening, walking barefoot on the grass, bird watching, identifying plants, walking along a beach, finding the wilderness, listening to nature, observing the seasons and weather, grow flowers or vegetables, giving nature a home in your garden, sitting in nature, or watching wildlife.


If you are feeling like your wellbeing isn't where is should be or a little out of sorts check the nine areas of wellbeing and rate each area as: Good, Ok, or Poor, this will give you an indication of where and what to start working on and what may need to change to improve your life.

Also check your sleep, nutrition, exercise, and rehydration levels.

Remember to build a better connect to the natural world which will be sure to boost your overall wellbeing.

 Wellbeing For All Life, It's A Lifestyle...

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