Vegan Living


The kindest way of life, for all life.




Veganism is a plant-based lifestyle with the aim of creating a more compassionate and greener world for all life including humanity. Veganism in its broadest terms is based on kindness, empathy and compassion and consists of a plant-based diet that does not contain meat, dairy, fish, or poultry. Veganism does not use any animal products for diet, clothing, cosmetics, or cleaning products and seeks to reduce animal byproducts in as many other aspects of life as possible. By leading a vegan lifestyle, you reduce animal suffering and exploitation, reduce climate change and use less natural resources. There are four reasons why people choose to go vegan: ethical, environmental, health or spiritual.



The "Ethical Vegan" is a person who has a high moral standpoint against animal exploitation, discrimination, suffering, cruelty and seeks to exclude ALL animal products from their lifestyle in as many forms as possible. An "Ethical Vegan" has a high awareness of speciesism and seeks to aid the liberation of all non-human animals in as many ways as possible. An “Ethical Vegan” see’s non-human animal's for what they are: living, breathing, sentient beings with thoughts, feelings, emotions and desires of their own. An "Ethical Vegan" sees all non-human animals as individuals with their own needs, choices, life and considers the wellbeing of all other non-human animals as well as the environment through the daily choices they make and how they conduct their own life.



The  "Environmental Vegan" is someone who leads a vegan lifestyle because they are concerned about the health of the planet and climate change. Veganism is the biggest impact you can make as an individual to reduce climate change and protect the natural world for many reasons. A vegan diet/lifestyle uses less natural resources, takes less space and a study from Oxford University has shown a vegan diet/lifestyle can cut down your carbon footprint by 73%, making it the most successful way in reducing your CO2 footprint as an individual. The "Environmental Vegan" is also someone who is energy aware and will often choose this lifestyle because it reduces energy consumption and water usage, particularly in agriculture and the manufacturing of food. Veganism ultimately protects against environmental degradation and soil infertility which protects the future for all life, including humanity. 



The "Healthy Vegan" is someone who chooses a vegan lifestyle for health reasons or to promote better health. A vegan diet is one of the healthiest lifestyles you can lead when based on whole foods. A vegan diet tends to provide you with more antioxidants, fiber, vitamins: A, C, & E (123), and even iron on a complete balanced vegan diet. A vegan diet can be extremely varied with fresh whole foods, dairy alternatives, nuts, pulses, and you are even able to get your protein, omega-3 and fatty acids by eating vegan foods. We would always recommend anyone leading a vegan lifestyle to take a B12 supplement, (Remember that meat and diary consumers also get their B12 also from a supplement which is force fed to the non-human animals. This is due to the soil degradation/infertility or the non-human animals being farmed intensively indoors). The benefits of eating a whole food vegan diet include: weight loss or lower body mass, reduced risk in heart disease and cholesterol levels, helpful in diabetes management, better gut health, less chance of developing anti-biotic resistance (non-human animals in the meat, diary, poultry and the fishing industry are force fed antibiotics), and studies claim plant-based diets even reduce the risk of cancer.



Some people lead a vegan lifestyle due to spiritual or religious beliefs. Veganism & vegetarianism are deeply rooted in Hinduism, Jainism, Seventh-Day Adventist Church, Rastafari, and Buddhism.


Jainism, Buddhism and Hinduism all have one thing in common "Ahimsa". Ahimsa means nonviolence which is a key virtue which is applied to all living things, hence many that follow these religions become vegan or vegetarian depending on how far they practice this virtue due to the "ethical/spiritual" reasons or veganism. 


Seventh-Day Adventist's that practice this religion eat a vegan or vegetarian diet due to (Genesis 1:29) " God created plants, seeds, and fruits to be human food, and therefore human diets should be entirely plant-based’. 


Rastafarians that practice Rastafari eat a diet free from meat, additives, and chemicals to stay healthy and connected to the earth. This style of vegan eating by the Rastafari is known as "Ital cooking" and more commonly phrased by Rastafarians as "Ital is vital". 


Many spiritual but non-religious people also follow a vegan lifestyle due to the fact of not wanting to cause harm, to create more peace and respect the same spark of energy or divine light in all living things "the soul", ultimately following the line of natural life energy from start to end with kindness, empathy, and compassion.

People who also believe in the philosophy of "karma" may also follow a vegan lifestyle due to the completion of energy cycle of karma.

We Are Wellbeing For All Life, It's A Lifestyle...

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